
Astral Projections: Cancer Season

Welcome Cancer Season! As the Sun moves into this watery, comforting and heart-centered sign on June 20, we may heave a collective sigh of relief. Gemini season brought a tornado of mental activity that can be inspiring but also leave us feeling frazzled. Cancer offers the antidote: tune back into your feelings, your body, your home, and your close circles to ground the insights the previous season offered.

Meet Emily

I’m a Rochester native, educator, writer, and multi-media creative who is pretty active in the city’s robust visual arts scene. You can catch me sipping wine at a gallery on Friday night, having a work (read: gab) sesh at one of the many coffee shops around town, or running laps at Cobbs Hill.

I’m a Pisces Sun, Capricorn Moon, and Virgo Rising with Mercury and Mars in Aquarius, and a Pisces Venus – so I’m definitely a bit dreamy (Pisces) and meta (Aquarius), but with a twist of earthy realism. I’ve been fascinated with astrology since I was a kid and I’m thrilled to have an outlet to share my perspectives on the energetic forecast. I’ll be discussing the overarching themes of each season, as well as suggesting some practical applications for working with the energy available. Thanks for checking out Astral Projections!

I know that astrology can seem pretty woo-woo to some, but the more I study, the more its inherent logic is revealed. Each zodiac sign responds to and builds off the previous. Ariesthe first sign of the zodiac—represents beginnings, birth, and the planting of seeds.

Naturally, Aries energy is quick, aggressive, confident, brave, pioneering, not interested in follow-through, emotionally volatile at times, and driven by conquest. These are all qualities that support initiating anything new. Aries energy alone can be unbalanced (as with any of the other signs in isolation), so the following sign Taurus offers an evolution to these themes. Taurus represents slow & steady growth- the maturation of a seed (Aries) into a sprout and eventually to a plant that provides sustenance. Taurus grounds Aries’s initiatory spark by focusing on the literal, the concrete, and what can be measured by the physical senses. It seeks to create beauty and value from what Aries begins. It establishes a solid foundation from which more can grow. Then Gemini uses that foundation to expand beyond the individual into the interpersonal, breaking out of the comfort zone that Taurus can get mired in.

Gemini expands through communication and exchange, offering new possibilities and approaches. When Gemini’s expansion goes too far- causing confusion and distraction, Cancer provides the solution. Cancer cares deeply about safety and security, and reigns in the Gemini diffusion with healthy boundaries. It asks, “Okay, how do I feel about that?” and uses the answer as a guide in choosing what to think or believe. Cancer reminds us that the point of learning, innovating and building community is to bring solutions back to our homes, families, loved ones and selves. 

Mercury & Venus moved into Cancer on June 17th, so we’ve already been sampling the energy of this new season for a few days. We may feel more sensitive and want to hunker down. When the Sun moves into the sign on June 20th, we’re given permission to lean into our feels even more. We’re leaving the strong mental energy of Gemini behind, but Jupiter does remain in the sign until May of next year, so there’s still plenty of Gemini energy to work with. No sign is meant to operate in isolation, and no sign is “bad”. We can and should still be working with the Gemini energy, but to a lesser degree than the previous season. Cancer season will have us focused more on our homes & close connections than on expanding our circles of acquaintances and peers. We’ll be more driven by our feelings & intuition, which can help to clarify any confusion brought on by the strong Gemini energy of the previous season. Each season provides an evolution to the previous, and each season serves a purpose. 

June 21: Full Moon in Capricorn

Cancer season kicks off with a Full Moon in Capricorn on June 21st. The Full Moon closely follows the Sun’s ingress into Cancer & the Summer Solstice, adding power to this turning point of the year. The change of seasons marks an energetic shift from the early growth of Spring into the greater fruition of Summer. The Full Moon in Capricorn is all about structure, goals, achievement, and what can be accomplished through hard work & time. This is a moment to review any intentions you set around the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th, and evaluate the progress you have made toward your goals. Cancer season promotes introspection and taking rest, so pull out a journal and reflect on what the first half of 2024 has brought into your life. If you’re needing a new journal, check out my favorite local journal-maker, collage artist Allie Push. Her journals are artfully crafted with recycled materials and stitched with care. They make a great tool in exploring your inner realms, and Allie herself is a Cancer Sun, making her creations all the more apropos this season. 

Full Moons represent culmination and release, as the moon reaches fullness then begins to wane during this phase of the lunar cycle. You may be called to reflect on habits, ways of thinking, or relational dynamics that hinder your growth, and decide to release them at this time.  

June 26: Mercury in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces

 [Trine: a 120-degree angle between two planets. This angle suggests a supportive flow between the themes each planet, and the signs where the planets are currently located, represent.] 

We’ve had a lot of intense mental energy between June 6th and June 17th, and you may have had to problem-solve a bit more. The trine between Mercury & Saturn in two water signs offers us a moment of ease or enjoyment when working through roadblocks. You can accomplish much if you lean into the hard work it takes, and in this moment, you feel inspired to do so. Cancer and Pisces both represent the emotional side of life, suggesting that you will find the most success by following your intuition. Let it guide you in taking the next steps.   

June 28: Venus in Cancer sextiles Mars in Taurus 

[Sextile: a 60-degree angle between two planets. This angle suggests cooperation between the themes each planet, and the signs where the planets are currently located, represent. Compared to a trine, a sextile offers positive energy that is weaker, but more focused.] 

A sextile between Venus and Mars is great for romance, socializing and self-promotion. The feminine energy of Venus is in harmony with the masculine energy of Mars, making us feel electromagnetic. This transit falls on a Friday- a perfect day to get out there. See and be seen! This is a teaser for the incoming Leo energy that will begin to be felt in mid-July. Jazz Fest will still be in full swing, and makes for a great opportunity to mingle with a wide variety of people. Who knows what the vast talents of scheduled performers and street artists alike may spark? Give yourself the opportunity to be lit up by the moment. If you are feeling more reclusive in alignment with Cancer & Taurus’s homebody natures, cozy up with your near & dear ones, or harness the energy to announce a new endeavor.

June 29: Saturn retrograde in Pisces

Don’t let the word “retrograde” spook you! Retrogrades simply turn the themes of a particular planet inward and give us an opportunity to reflect. When Saturn goes retrograde, some of the challenges in our physical reality can subside, actually offering a bit of respite. Instead of dealing with external challenges, we are given an opportunity to assess internal patterns. I already told you that Cancer season would present us with a chance to introspect, and Saturn retrograde deepens the call. Take time to further consider if the practices, routines and structures of your life are supporting you in achieving your goals. 

July 2: Neptune retrograde in Pisces, Mercury in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces, Mercury enters Leo

Yep, more retrograde. The outer planets retrograde for about half of the year, and this is a normal period that happens annually. Neptune retrograde will have us examining our beliefs and illusions from now until December. You’ll be asked to assess whether your perception of reality is accurate, and may be asked to let go of unrealistic ideals. This is a slow-moving transit, meaning lessons will be spread out and shouldn’t arise dramatically. Keep that journal nearby and jot down themes you notice as we move forward. 

Mercury in Cancer trines Neptune this day as well, lending extra insight and understanding to the moment. Tune into your intuition- Cancer season will remind us time & time again of its wisdom. You may have useful insights that arise through automatic writing or poetry. This is the final moment to soak up Mercury in Cancer before the planet of communication & thought moves in Leo on the same day. For the next few weeks, our minds turn toward expanding our self-expression. Our speech will become more charismatic, entertaining and dramatic, and we can use this new energy to relay the insights of Cancer’s heart-centered introspection to the world. 

July 5: New Moon in Cancer, Mars in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces

A New Moon in Cancer, the sign ruled by the Moon, represents planting a seed for something that you are committed to nurturing. Mars sextiling Saturn provides the determination & dedication to make that commitment successful. Cancer, Taurus and Pisces are all signs that, at their best, are sensitive and loving. This signature provides positive energy for renewal in relationships of any kind, as well as positive changes in the home & inner life. 

July 8: Venus in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus, Mercury in Leo sextiles Jupiter in Gemini

An electric day- Venus, the planet of relationships, value & aesthetics makes an aspect with Uranus, the planet of innovation & change. Simultaneously Mercury in fiery Leo is in aspect with expansive Jupiter in Gemini. 

[Aspect or “in aspect”: When two planets are in geometric relationship with one another. Examples include conjunctions, trines, oppositions, squares, sextiles, etc.] 

You are likely to come across something that surprises you and broadens your perspective in a noteworthy way. Inspiration waits in the most unexpected of places- in a conversation overheard while waiting for coffee, painted on the side of a building you’ve never passed before- Rochester is rife with unassuming nooks & corners where artistry blooms like dandelions through the pavement. Where do you find inspiration? Share it with us at Flower Power Magazine through our rolling open call for submissions

July 11: Venus enters Leo

When Venus joins Mercury in Leo, we will continue to shift focus outward towards self-expression. Venus in Leo is grand, playful, and full of flair. We’ll feel a greater desire to be seen and known for our particular aesthetic and way of being. Leo at its best is all about shining the light of the atman, the inner self or the spirit, outward and into the world. Everyone has a unique set of qualities which add beauty and depth to the collective human experience. Leo tells us that it’s our calling to know ourselves and express ourselves fully for the benefit of the world. Leo energy is strong & commanding, and power struggles may arise from it. Lean back on Cancerian strategies in this instance, and return to your heart to resolve tension. 

July 15: Mars in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

This transit comes around once every two years. August 1st, 2022 was the last time the planet of action, drive, passion and aggression (Mars) joined the planet of change & innovation (Uranus). The signature of these two planets meeting up indicates a strong desire to break free from the norm. This is an exciting moment for experimentation, but be careful not to act too rashly. If you’re feeling uncomfortably restless, try to address the energy in your body. Oftentimes, we try to think our way out of mental states when we really need to address our nervous system in a somatic way. Perhaps you need to channel that energy into an activity that pushes your body momentarily to its limit so that it can regulate again. Whether that means breaking a sweat at a local climbing gym, or taking a cold plunge (my friends swear by Amor Sanas), you’ll be much more effective in taking that big leap forward when your nervous system has the capacity to handle the energy. 

July 20: Mars enters Gemini

Our drive gets kick-started after Mars struggled through Taurus season. While we finally feel greater motivation to take action, Mars in Gemini lacks focus. Make sure you’re not overextending yourself. 

July 21: Full Moon in Capricorn

This Cancer season offers us a second Full Moon in Capricorn. The recurrence of this transit highlights how important the Capricorn Moon themes are to our lives at this moment. Whatever transpired for you around June 21st will likely come back around or experience a new development. We’re being asked again to assess our goals and whether or not our habits support them. Be open to letting go of bad habits and setting more boundaries, especially if you didn’t do so at the beginning of the season. If you made changes around the first Full Moon in Capricorn, you might be further committing to or doubling down on those shifts. This Cancer season is direct with her message: committing to the structures, habits, and ways of relating that nurture us, and setting strong boundaries around those which don’t, is the surest way to care for ourselves and others. Let’s send gratitude to Cancer season for her loving opportunities to rest and recalibrate as we head into bold & bright Leo Season. 

Until then!


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  • June 4, 2024
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